Contacts for Information on Specific Groups
Monday - Boulder
For more information go to Johann's Website
Tuesday - Boulder
For more information go to David's Website
Wednesday - Boulder
For more information e-mail Peter.
Thursday - Boulder
For more information go to Barry's Website.
Sunday - Boulder
More Information go to Terry's Website
Sunday - Denver
For more information e-mail Kathleen
The Webmaster for this site can be reached by e-mail here.

E-mail Lists
Several groups maintain e-mail lists that they use to keep people informed about activities of their group. The lists are used sparingly and limited to meditation related announcements.

If you want to be on David Chernikoff's e-mail list
please send your name and email address to Karen Sheldon and ask to be added.

If you want to be on Terry Ray's e-mail list please
e-mail her.

If you want to be on Johann Robbin's e-mail list please sign up on his web site at . You will receive occasional announcements of his meditation classes, groups, daylongs and retreats, including nature retreats at the Ecodharma Center.

If you would like to be on the email list of Peter Williams, please e-mail him. You will receive announcements of his retreats; announcements of new meditation exercises, talks and essays on his website; as well as the weekly topics at his Boulder Wednesday night group.

If you want to be on Denver Sangha's e-mail list please send your name and email address to Kathleen Graham and ask to be added.

If you want to be on Barry Gillespie's e-mail list please send your name and email address to Barry and ask to be added.