David Chernikoff began
the study and practice of meditation in 1971 and started teaching
insight meditation in 1988. He trained as a yoga teacher at
the Integral Yoga Institute and completed the Community Dharma
Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. His teaching
has been influenced by senior teachers from the Insight Meditation
Society and Spirit Rock, Tibetan teachers he studied with during
a 3-year stay in Nepal, and spiritual guides from other contemplative
traditions, most notably Ram Dass, Father Thomas Keating, and
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Currently David has a
private practice as a spiritual counselor and
life coach in Boulder and teaches workshops
and retreats throughout the U.S.
He is the author of Life, Part Two: Seven Keys to Awakening With Purpose and Joy as You Age.
David's Website
David's Dharma Talks
Terry Ray is a licensed psychotherapist who has been practicing Vipassana or Insight meditation since 1974 and teaching for over 40 years. She completed the first Community Dharma Leader’s program at Spirit Rock and leads retreats and teaches through Naropa University and the Insight Meditation Community in Boulder. Terry also studied Sensory Awareness with Charlotte Selver and is certified to lead this somatic based mindfulness practice. She is the author of Embodied Presence, A Spiritual Memoir. Her method is gentle yet powerful and focuses on waking up to one’s innate wisdom and love through simple mindfulness practice.
Terry's Website |
Tara Lloyd Burton sat their first Insight Meditation course with Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, and Sharon Salzberg in 1975, and has been practicing ever since. In 1985 they incorporated the organization that founded the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Northern California, and served as its founding board president. In 2000, they graduated with the charter class of the center’s Community Dharma Leader training program. In 1993, Tara Lloyd incorporated the Insight Meditation Community of Colorado (IMCC), and served as its board president from then until 2024. In 1998, they became the founder and Resident Guiding Teacher for the Insight Meditation Community of Denver, a constituent sangha of IMCC. They retired from that position in 2022. |
Peter Williams is a psychotherapist and dharma leader. He has practiced meditation for many years in the Theravada and Tibetan Buddhist traditions and has taught meditation since 2003. Peter is trained as a Community Dharma Leader through Spirit Rock Meditation Center. In an earlier life, Peter was a wildlife biologist and environmental educator for many years. Peter leads the Thursday insight meditation group in Boulder and teaches retreats throughout the Rocky Mountains.
Peter's Website |
Johann first began meditating in 1974. In 2008 he was asked to begin teaching by Eric Kolvig, and he completed Community Dharma Leader teacher training at Spirit Rock shortly thereafter. His primary Insight teachers were Eric Kolvig, Joseph Goldstein, and Shinzen Young, and his primary Direct Path teachers were Adyashanti, Stephan Bodian, and Rupert Spira. In 2016 Johann founded Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center, where he served unpaid as Executive Director until 2022, and President of the Board until 2023. Johann’s retreats are held at the center, and he also leads regular meditation groups and classes in-person in Boulder. Johann’s style is caring and open, yet focused and clear. He is committed to a practical, non-dogmatic approach to teaching, with the understanding that what works best for one person is different than another, and that what works best for each of us, like everything else, changes over time.
Johann’s Web site www.johannrobbins.org
Johann’s Talks and Writings www.johannrobbins.org/teachings
Affiliated Teachers |
Barry Gillespie was introduced to formal meditation practice in 1978, through the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram. After taking a combined Ashtanga Yoga and Vipassana retreat in 1999 he began exploring Theravaden Buddhist practice, sitting many long retreats at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA and Spirit Rock in Woodacre, CA. His principal teacher is Guy Armstrong. He regularly teaches in Boulder and at the Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center. His teaching schedule, many articles he has written and talks he has given on the dhamma can be found on his website. |
David Loy began Zen practice in Hawaii in 1971 with Yamada Koun and Robert Aitken, and completed koan study with Koun-roshi in Japan, where he lived for almost twenty years. He was authorized to teach by the Sanbo Kyodan (a Japanese Zen tradition) in 1988 and leads retreats and workshops nationally and internationally. David’s books and articles have been translated into many languages. Many of his writings, podcasts and videos are available on his website, along with his teaching schedule. |
Aruna Dhammadhira trained as a Buddhist monastic in the Theravada tradition for eighteen years, mainly in the lineage of Ajahn Chah. After some travel abroad, Aruna returned to the U.S. where she eventually found her way to Colorado. Living simply and building community were the impetus behind her forming Web of Connection, a non-profit based in Colorado Springs. She now shares her teachings with various groups along the front range and beyond. For more about Aruna and how to support her work, see natural-transformations.com |
Kritee (dharma name Kanko) is a Climate Scientist-Educator, Rinzai Zen priest, Grief ritual leader, Founding spiritual teacher of Boundless in Motion and co-founder of Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center. She has served as a faculty for many organizations for courses at the intersection of climate crisis, racial justice, trauma healing and spirituality. She finds herself committed to be in relationship with young adults, permaculture communities, LGBTQ, Indigenous, Black and other people of color. Her teaching schedule, interviews, podcasts and articles are available at this web site. |
Cindy Sasso is a Colorado native and lives in Salida, Colorado. She has been practicing meditation since 1971. She was given permission to teach by Spirit Rock teachers Brian Lesage and Susie Harrington. Cindy is also an Awakening Joy certified teacher. Her primary teacher and mentor is Brian Lesage. She has attended the IMCC daily online morning meditation sessions since they began in April 2020. She is the morning meditations coordinator and enjoys substitute teaching when one of the other teachers is unavailable. Cindy loves to bring the dharma off the cushion and into daily life. Cindy's email is cindysasso87@gmail.com |
Chuck Langdon has been meditating for more than 25 years and has attended more than 50 residential retreats at centers and monasteries throughout the United States and England. He graduated from the two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (led by Jack Kornfield & Tara Brach) in 2021. He began formally teaching the Dharma in 2017. His teachings have been primarily influenced by the Pali Canon and his experience with Theravada teachers, both lay and monastic. Chuck's email is blueskydharma@gmail.com |